At church we have a program for young women (12-18 years) to develop character. They have various activities they can perform. One of the experiences they get to have is a chance to "strengthen your relationship with a family member by showing love through your actions". To help the girls I made up this Hugs & Kisses Kit. I did this around Father's Day so the girls could have a chance to focus on their relationship with their Dad if they wanted to. Since it's close to Father's Day I thought I'd share it with you. This activity lasts two weeks so I gave simple suggestions of what they can do to interact each day. Some of the activities are Day #7 Make a treat for this person, Day #11 Text a nice comment to this person, Day #2 Find out their favorites, Day #8 Talk about your favorite things to do in Summer. I designed these into 1/4 sheet handouts. They can put it on a ring to help them remember. I call it The Ring Thing™. I've made several for different topics to go on the Ring Thing which I'll share periodically. Here's a photo of my Ring Thing. Here's a PDF to download if you'd like to use it for some activity you have. It's a black and white PDF that you can print onto colored paper. Then you can cut it into 1/4 sheets.
I've spent a lot of time in front of people showing, teaching, and helping people do things. I did a little showing this weekend. The 4 things below will help no matter what type of demonstration you do. • Do it large Large scale helps with large crowds - people could see my painting 50 yards away & could watch all day • Engage Others Create an exchange with others - I let some children paint on the painting, fun and different for those families • Make it easy This isn't the time to experiment - I could do this type of painting without thinking • Open up Something like this is as more about meeting and talking with people than it is painting
August 2012