Go big or don't bother. Well, not entirely true but I REALLY like painting large. It's just that there is not always a market for it. Like where would you but a baby this big? But big makes such a, well......... BIG IMPACT. It's impressive. It demands to be noticed. It says I'm important and have an earnest message. And the message is usually some form of, "I'm larger than life." Here's a painting that I did recently for an international art competition. One of the reasons this contest is so great is because it lets the artist go big, if they want. Most don't. It's usually a gallery space issue. And shipping. And stuff.
Most of my paintings end up too big to enter competitions. It's a problem but I usually just paint the size the content dictates. So sometimes, go big or don't bother, should be, go big and don't bother. But I still paint big anyways. I can't help myself.
I don't know what it is about drapery but I love it. Love. It. When I see well done drapery drawings I just want to reach out and touch it. Feel it. Hold it. All that layered, luscious fabric. Maybe it's the seamstress in me that has a tactile connection. Truly, I don't know why, and really, I don't care. I just do. I know my little drawing above looks weak next to these below, but I still attempt fabric. Here are more of my attempts with fabric. In paint.
Shannon's Studio
March 2023