Design happens in this house. All. The. Time. We've always got something going that requires creativity. It's a way of life. Which brings me to Youth Conference. It comes around every year for our church youth group. I designed a t-shirt a couple of years ago for it but ever since I've tried to help a youth take their design and use it on the shirts. This year it was one of my own kids that had the chance. Meet Mr. He-Comes-By-It-Naturally-Wade. He designed this shirt. He looks rather pleased doesn't he? See that smile? That's what's missing when they take creativity and art out of the schools or make it a check off list of "skills". The thing about creativity is that it's a natural high, self-esteem building, makes you want to do more, kind of thing. There's nothing like taking something you think in your head and putting it out there in some tangible way. It develops critical thinking and so much more. But.... I digress, this is about t-shirts. And we are quite pleased with how they turned out. Wade's let me share the design with you if you want to download it. You can go to the download page here. Designing t-shirts can be a lot of fun. Have you ever wanted to design a t-shirt? What would you want it look like?
The StudioHouse has a landing on the second floor that's about 6' x 7'. The crazy thing is that it has 5 doors leading to/from it. Yes 5. One of the doors we removed while remodeling or it would have been 6 doors. When you go up you wonder which door to pick. Door #1, #2, #3, #4, or #5. (Flashback vintage game show - "Let's Make a Deal". Web search it youngsters.) With so many doors (and the intended use, sometime down the road, being classes) I wondered how I was going to differentiate for students which door leads to which room. Should I have signs on the door? Different colored doors? Numbers on doors? What exactly? Then I remembered seeing something one of my sisters did. The inspiration for my choice came from Creative Mommas. (They happen to be some of my creative sisters. It totally runs in the family.) Chelsea built her own bookshelf and added lettering above it. I totally love the subtlety of the look. See what I mean. There but not there. I wanted something that said what each room's use is but nothing that jumps out at me each time I go up there. I can direct people and even if they forget which door, they'll still be able to figure it out. The rooms will be for Sewing, Photo Shoots, Painting, Bathroom, and Crafting. We're busy people. These aren't the "before" or "after" pictures but the "during" photos. I've added captions to each of the gallery photos for how-to info. 8" chip board letters from Hobby Lobby @ $1.99 each liquid nails spacer piece Besides Tina and Allen, what do you think? (They already let me know they did not approve. But I still like them :)
Shannon's Studio
March 2023